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Project Executive Manager



Support SINOMA Top Management on establishing intercultural understanding from SINOMA and the various international Clients point of view

Support SINOMA Group to further develop strategy for international Projects, prepare Budget quotations for international projects and coordinate/distribute for international projects the Tender requests within SINOMA Group.


Support SINOMA President/CEO on improvement of QA/QC system and identify and propose experienced expatriates and local staff for local and International assignments. Facilitate on medium/long term perspective Project Guidelines and provision of knowledge transfer.

Support SINOMA on establishment and execution of Claim Management for all international Projects

Overall responsibility for a 700 million US$ EPC project for construction of 2 x 10,000 tpd Clinker production lines of Messrs. Saudi Cement Company in Hofuf, Saudi Arabia with reporting to the Board.

EPC contract works includes design, construction and erection of crushing plant, 16 km belt conveying system, Raw Material Preparation & Raw Meal Grinding, Kiln & Cooler, Cement grinding and dispatch by Rail for Bulk Cement and by Truck for Bag and Bulk Cement. Contract included also integration of the two new lines into existing plant logistics and process system for four already existing lines including upgrading of outdated quality control facilities.

SINOMA International Eng. Co.,Ltd

Beijing, China


Entire SINOMA Group employs above 100000 persons


Beijing, China

Project Area

Saudi Arabia


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LPP Global Ltd.

Mit Ausnahme der Herstellung unserer Produkte gibt es keine negativen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt


LPP Global Pumpen reduzieren den Energieverbrauch und damit auch die negativen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt

In Kombination mit unseren Kraftwerken verbrauchen sie keine Energie aus externen Energiequellen


LPP-Kraftwerke benötigen zum Starten keine externen Energiequellen

Die Prinzipien ähneln einem Wasserkraftwerk, das als regenerative Energieform klassifiziert ist, keine Emissionen produziert und keine fossilen oder flüssigen Brennstoffe zur Stromerzeugung benötigt